Monday, September 17, 2012

Why Sex is Different for those over 50*

Sex has a way of making relationships difficult when we are younger. Many young people struggle with the issue of when it is the right time for them to start having sex. They may feel they have found the right person and then down the road wish they had waited for someone else to share that experience with.

Many people will tell you that having sex at a young age can certainly lead to some difficulties with relationships. One party may want it to be very casual while the other has fallen in love. There are hurt feelings and even unwanted pregnancies that have to be dealt with. Some may say that they don’t want to think about sex and being older, but those over 50 will tell you it is different – and the love it.

They don’t have to deal with all the same struggles as they once did. Most women over 50 will tell you that they don’t have to worry about looks. They know that the partner they are with wants to be with them for more than just the hot body they have. They have accepted that their body has changed with time and they still enjoy having sex.

Men over the age of 50 will also tell you that the burden is off them to have the big muscles. They also don’t have to try to perform all night long like they did in their younger years. With all of the stress off the issue of having sex, the couple can focus on making each other feel good. It is a completely different feeling than what they experienced before.

Both sexes will agree that sex at this age is about much more than just the physical side of things. It is a way to connect with someone they love, respect, and desire on a deeper level. Sex doesn’t have to be the central theme of the relationship so there isn’t any pressure for it to start taking place. They can take their time to get to know each other before they move on to that level.

For couples who have been together for a very long time, they often find as they move into their 50’s that they have more time to spend with each other. This allows them to rekindle their love for each other that may have been pushed aside for many of the past years in their relationship.

You will definitely find these types of relationships to be built on great communication. They two people will really enjoy being around each other. They love to talk and to spend time together. Having sex is just an added benefit of them spending that time with each other. They can bring that level of communication that they value into the sexual relationship as well.

For those over 50, still having sex means that someone finds you to be desirable. This is very important to both men and women. It allows them to feel loved and cared for. It also allows them to have a level of intimacy that goes beyond just sitting close or holding hands with someone. That can help them to feel young and revitalized.

You will also find that as people get older they value their relationships more. Even though young couples may be in love, they may not fully realize the importance of their choices. Older individuals are able to see the connection of a good relationship both outside of the bedroom and inside of it. That is what keeps their passion for each other alive.

If you fit into the category of individuals who think it isn’t going to be much fun having sex one you are 50, think again. Re-evaluate your attitude about it once you have read the material online for those who are in that age group and loving their sex life. Things are going to change but having sex in your 50’s and beyond can be a completely new experience. It can be more rewarding in many ways then what you experienced at earlier times in your life.


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