Sunday, September 16, 2012

10 Easy Steps to Attract any One Million Dollar Baby

You might sometimes think: what am I doing wrong? Why am I always waking up alone in the bed and why is that I’m the only one who cannot recall and/or share any remarkable sexual experiences with anybody around me?
Well, first of all you are by far not alone here….so please, don’t blame on yourself too much. Moreover, we have some good news for your: this is not something you cannot change and few of the tips from below, might definitely change drastically your situation.

When it comes to attracting women, many men think that if they only knew some good "pickup lines," their beds would be constantly filled with the hotties they want. Of course, this couldn't be further from the truth. Women are experts at sensing who a man REALLY is under the surface... and if you aren't the type of guy she's looking for, no "pickup line" is going to cover it up. In order to radically improve your success rate with women, you must improve YOU -- the man you really are. Here are 10 tips to help you do it:*

10. Lead the way

NEWSFLASH: Women HATE when a man is afraid to lead the way... whether it's choosing a restaurant or choosing what to do "between the sheets." What's really sad is that many men will even try to CONVINCE a woman to take the lead... by saying such things as: "So... what do you want to do? What's your favorite restaurant? I'll take you there... really, I want to do whatever it is that YOU want to do." Women don't like to bear the burden of making decisions and this drives them NUTS. To develop the leader within you, practice leading the interaction. Decide where to go, when to meet her and what the two of you will do. Be "the man with the plan" -- she'll LOVE you for it.

9. Learn from those who have "been there"

One of the best things you can to do grow as a person is to surround yourself with older, more mature men, and learn from their wisdom and experience. Hanging out with guys who have "been there" helps you to develop a more mature perspective -- and men who have experienced the situations you are going through can point out the "landmines" to look out for and how to avoid them.

8. Take personal responsibility for your life

While on the path to becoming the type of man a woman wants, you have to learn to take personal responsibility for everything in your life. Notice how the choices you made in the past led you to where you are; and whenever you find yourself in a messed-up situation, STOP blaming others. Look at how YOUR choices have gotten you there. Refusing to be a victim is a surefire way to a fulfilling life and will also help you stand out from the other guys she has met who are still stuck in "little-boy land." Women can pick out a REAL MAN instantly, and accountability is a big part of becoming one. Cultivate your view of success and avoid begging for approval...

7. Develop a mature view of success

Many men tend to think that things like money, power and success with women will make them happy, and that life's downfalls will forever disappear if they can only "get" these things. While it's very easy to feel this way, it's also unrealistic and immature. Money, power and women NEVER solve inner problems and NEVER "create" happiness. A mature man does not live in a fantasy world in which he thinks that if he had success in one particular area, all of his other problems would be "solved." Just think of the countless rock stars, actors and professional athletes that have all the money, fame, success, and women they can handle -- then they get arrested, sign up for anger management classes or, worse yet, commit suicide. Realize that success won't help your inner issues. Stop procrastinating or blaming circumstances, and start working on the issues -- TODAY.

6. Learn to keep your power         

Most men give away their power to a woman to get approval and attention. The ironic thing is that women don't want men who give away their power! It's a HUGE turnoff. When you learn to keep your power, you will attract higher-quality women -- and PLENTY of them. Think of ways in which you might give your power away to a woman in an attempt to "win" her approval; maybe you give women undeserved attention or put them on a "pedestal" because they are "hot," or even let them walk all over you. Stop doing these things immediately and start keeping your power for yourself -- it's what mature, strong men do... and it's what ALL women want.

5. Get it off your chest

You can probably think of 101 things you'd rather do than have some "honest communication" with your father, but it's necessary for your growth. A mature, strong man may not be "best buddies" with his dad, but he HAS spoken his mind. What have you not communicated to your father that you need to let him know? What has he not said to you that you need to hear? This is one of those exercises in which thinking about things isn't enough, you have to actually take action on this one. Believe me: The benefits are well worth the trouble.

4. Allow yourself to grieve

Most men are taught to act tough and to conceal their feelings. And since the first feeling that comes up for men in emotional situations is grief, we've been conditioned to slam "the door" as soon as the grief starts. But a mature man learns to grieve consciously... to let the grief in. He knows it's a healthy process. When you allow yourself to feel grief when it comes up, you open the door to a much richer emotional life. Think about times in your past when you have stopped yourself from feeling grief. The next time it starts to present itself, remember to allow yourself to feel it. In the process, you'll become a more emotionally well-rounded guy -- the kind of man that "has it together," and that is a quality women LOVE.

3. Handle your own business

Smarten up and handle your business with confidence...Procrastination can DESTROY your chances of achieving the life you want, and it's important that you eliminate all traces of it from your life if you ever want to REALLY be successful. Get off of your ass and do those things you've been putting off; whether it's making a big change like getting up early for a run every day and changing your diet, or something simple like paying off those past-due parking tickets. You'll be amazed at how much better and MORE CONFIDENT you feel when you handle those things you've been ignoring... and you'll be pleasantly surprised at how much more attractive you become to women.

2. Act with genuine confidence

One trait shared by ALL men who are "naturals" at attracting women is the stone-cold confidence that they are a woman's BEST CHOICE -- and that all women know it. Whether it's calling a woman and making plans to hang out or going in for that first kiss, act as if you KNOW she wants it just as bad or EVEN MORE than you do. This simple mental shift will increase your success with women DRAMATICALLY. 

1. Continue your education

To truly become a man who naturally attracts women, you must continually work to improve yourself. Read books, go to seminars, talk to older, more experienced men, and take action; do whatever it takes to continually add to your knowledge base and make yourself a better person. Just the fact that you are on this journey is VERY attractive to women... when you are truly on the path to success women will FEEL IT when they are around you. Don't let your chances of a fulfilling life pass you by, get started TODAY.

*For more hints on the matter, you are most welcome to visit ... and Start being Brilliant and daring to be Remarkable!

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