Sunday, September 16, 2012

Tips for Adults over 50 with Heart Disease to still Enjoy Sex*

Heart disease is one of the biggest killers of both men and women in our society. It is very important to take care of it. One fear that many people over the age of 50 have is that their heart disease will put a damper on their sex life. There are ways to effectively control your heart disease though and still be able to enjoy a very active and fulfilling sex life.

Heart disease can result in a person having to take medications for the duration of their life. Many of these medications have proven to be successful but not without a cost. There can be various side effects with them such as erectile dysfunction. This means a male can’t maintain an erection. Most doctors won’t prescribe various types of medication to help with it such as Viagra or Cialis though if you don’t have a healthy enough heart to be engaging in sex in the first place.

Of course there is the common fear in our society that anyone who has heart disease could die due to the excitement of sex. There have been reports of heart attacks and other issues occurring during sex for those with heart disease. While these instances do occur, they are often very few and far between. Still, if your doctor tells you to change your habits and that you can’t engage in various types of sexual activities you need to listen.

In most instances though, your sex life doesn’t have to come to a screeching halt. Instead you may find there are some modifications to be made. You need to be open to the suggestions and the changes though as they may prove to be more satisfying to you than you thought. Remember that your overall health is very crucial and so you need to be disciplined about sticking to the set boundaries by your health care professionals.

Make sure you are following all of the orders like you should. This means taking daily medications on time. Eat meals that are healthy for you so that you can keep up your energy. Pay attention to signs from your body that something just isn’t right. If you get dizzy or short of breath during sexual activities then you may need to stop what you are doing.

Having a loving and caring partner though all of this is extremely important. That can help to reduce your level of stress and anxiety. They should be willing to forego various types of sexual activity in order to help you stay as healthy as possible. You may find that making various changes to your lifestyle though helps. You may be able to resume old forms of lovemaking in the future if you are willing to stick to such necessary changes.

Heart disease is a very serious issue and you should do all you can at a young age to prevent it from occurring. You want to be as healthy as you can when you get into your 50’s and beyond. It will ensure you have a happier lifestyle that also includes being able to enjoy various types of sexual activities.

Should you end up with heart disease though due to poor lifestyle choices or due to heredity, you can still find ways to enjoy sex. It is important to discuss the issue with your doctor though. You certainly don’t want to be engaging in any types of behavior that aren’t in your best interest.

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